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成功案例 - 中日韩高能物理前沿技术理论研讨会
会议名称:6th A3 Foresight Program Workshop on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment of High-Performance Plasmas



Introduction to Sanzan Hotel
南宁圣展酒店位于广西首府南宁市琅东金湖南路49号,座落于绿城-南宁市琅东CBD商务区的铂金地段,毗邻南宁市主干道民 族大道,与南湖风景广场、五象商业广场、民歌文化广场和国际会展中心仅举步之遥。众多政府机关、金融机构、新闻媒体、商务楼宇、购物中心和高尚社区座落周边,独具浓郁的商务休闲氛围。
Sanzan Hotel is located at No. 49 South Jinhu Road, Langdong District, Nanning City – the capital of Guangxi region and known as the “Green City”. It enjoys a dense atmosphere of commerce and leisure for its location at the center of Langdong CBD and adjacent to the arterial traffic Minzu Avenue, Nanhu Lake Square, Wuxiang Business Square, Minge Cultural Square and International Exhibition Center, surrounded by many governmental agencies, financial institutions, press media, commercial buildings, shopping malls and stylish communities.
圣展酒店设计独特新颖、装饰高档豪华、设施配套齐全,是一家四星级的高级商务酒店。现总共拥有温馨、舒适、时尚 的豪华套房,休闲版、时尚版、商务版等各种风格的客房共500间。全部客房经过酒店式精装修,配有高档分体式空调系统、 时尚卫浴设备、宽大舒适人体工学设计的床位及配套用品、国际国内直播电话、国际数字电视和免费宽带因特网络,并设有 电脑楼层。圣展酒店2楼是充满现代气息的商务休闲长廊,项目配套有宽敞华丽、设备齐全、风格各异、规格不同的多功能 国际商务会议中心,温馨典雅时尚的独立咖啡厅、休闲雅致的49吧,彰显身份和高贵的圣廷苑宴请会所,还设有地面及地下停车场。
Sanzan Hotel is rated as a four-star business hotel for its novel design, top-grade decoration and complete supporting facilities. There are 500 guestrooms including the deluxe suites in different styles to meet the needs for leisure, fashion and business. All guestrooms are gone through refined decoration and equipped with split-type air conditioning system, sanitary and bathing ware, beds and assorted articles, IDD telephone, digital television and free internet connection. A computer floor is set in the hotel. 2F is a modern business lounge that furnishes a multifunctional business conference center, an independent coffee bar, a 49 bar and an entertaining club. Two parking lots under and above the ground are also available.
圣展酒店环境舒适优雅,地理位置优越,交通便利,距琅东客运站仅10分钟车程、火车站20分钟车程、机场也仅30分钟 的车程。 圣展酒店将以真心实意、专心致志,用爱心服务的“三心”服务宗旨,为您营造舒适、温馨、休闲、时尚的商旅环境。
Sanzan Hotel boasts favorable geographical location and convenient traffic condition, only 10-minute drive from Langdong Passenger Station, 20 minutes from the railway station and 30 minutes from the airport. With sincere, dedicated and heartfelt attitude we create a comfortable, welcoming, relaxed and fashionable business environment for you.

SANZAN HOTEL TEL:(0771)2026999
ADD:NO.49 Jinhu Road Nanning City,Guangxi,China

附件3、考察线路推荐  Recommended Investigation Routes
1、 伊岭岩半日游    Half-Day Tour to Yiling Cave
Gather in the hotel lobby at 7:30 a.m. and then go to Yiling Cave Scenic Spot (it is 18KM away from the urban area and the hotel is one-hour drive from the scenic spot). Visit: Zhuang song and dance performances (Yiling Mountain Village reproduces the long-history Zhuang culture with simple ethnic customs, pristine architecture, and multi-azimuth and multi-perspective art. Including: welcoming guests with suona, bamboo bar dancing, antiphonal singing of folk songs, tasting ethnic snacks, Zhuang workshops, Zhuang Wine Workshops and watching Zhuang shoulder pole dancing, etc.), magnificent cave scenery (there are 8 major scenic regions inside the cave and over 100 scenic spots of different sizes. The cave covers an area of 24,000 ㎡. The pillars and curtains overlap each other, creating a complicated and confusing scene. Once entering the cave, one will see stalactites, stalagmites, stalagnates, antholithus and curtains in different poses, forming numerous magnificent, vivid and exciting sceneries with modern acousto-optic arrangements). Dismiss the group in the hotel after dinner.
2、杨美古镇半日游    Half-Day Tour to Yangmei Ancient Town
Gather in the hotel lobby at 7:30 a.m. and then go to Yangmei Ancient Town (it is 30KM and one-hour drive away from the hotel). Visit the numerous scenic spots by ox-cart: the millennium ancient tower – Kuixing Tower, the street of Qing Dynasty, the ancient architectural complex of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Liang Lieya’s former residence and Longtan Spring, etc. There are “Three Treasures of Yangmei” with unique flavor - preserved vegetable, fermented soya beans and pickled Chinese cabbage. Dismiss the group in the hotel after dinner.

3、 伊岭岩、扬美古镇一日游 One-Day Tour to Yiling Cave and Yangmei Ancient Town
Gather in the hotel lobby at 7:30 a.m. and then go to Yiling Cave Scenic Spot (it is 18KM away from the urban area and the hotel is one-hour drive from the scenic spot). Visit: Zhuang song and dance performances (Yiling Mountain Village reproduces the long-history Zhuang culture with simple ethnic customs, pristine architecture, and multi-azimuth and multi-perspective art. Including: welcoming guests with suona, bamboo bar dancing, antiphonal singing of folk songs, tasting ethnic snacks, Zhuang workshops, Zhuang Wine Workshops and watching Zhuang shoulder pole dancing, etc.), magnificent cave scenery (there are 8 major scenic regions inside the cave and over 100 scenic spots of different sizes. The cave covers an area of 24,000 ㎡. The pillars and curtains overlap each other, creating a complicated and confusing scene. Once entering the cave, one will see stalactites, stalagmites, stalagnates, antholithus and curtains in different poses, forming numerous magnificent, vivid and exciting sceneries with modern acousto-optic arrangements). Have a rest in the hotel after lunch. Go to Yangmei Ancient Town (it is 30KM and one-hour drive away from the hotel) by bus at about 3:00 p.m. There are numerous scenic spots in the ancient town, for example, the millennium ancient tower – Kuixing Tower, the street of Qing Dynasty, the ancient architectural complex of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Liang Lieya’s former residence and Longtan Spring, etc. Its specialties include “Three Treasures of Yangmei” with unique flavor - preserved vegetable, fermented soya beans and pickled Chinese cabbage. Dismiss the group in the hotel after dinner.

D1:  月   日 早7:20分铁道饭店后门乘汽车前往东兴市口岸(约3小时),抵达用中餐后出境,途观中越界河——北仑河、中越友谊大桥;自由逛芒街市场(等待越南导游办理入境手续)下午3-4点之间在越南导游办理好证件后乘越方空调旅游车前往越南旅游胜地——下龙(约4.小时),抵达下龙后入住酒店.                                     住下龙:中晚餐
D3:早餐后游览越南最大的城市广场——巴亭广场,参观越南国父胡志明主席的安息之地——胡志明陵墓(每周一、五不开放; 9-11月保养)、法国特色建筑——主席府,胡志明故居、胡志明博物馆,河内标志性建筑——独柱寺,中国驻越南大使馆外观。下午乘车返回下龙。                                                                          住下龙;早中晚餐
D4: 月 日 早餐后乘旅游车前往芒街(4.小时),等待越南导游办理手续后入境,中餐后东兴乘车返南宁,约18:00左右抵,结束愉快的旅程!                               早中餐  

散拼价格(护照团):1280 元/人。
( 出团通知出发前1天晚20点短信通知,请留客人手机)客人姓名:
3:越南住宿越式3星标准 有单男单女的情况下,我社有权安排三人间,或由客人自行补足房差。

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